Saturday, December 4, 2021

A not-so-brief history of why I hate religious bigots

Warning: If you are easily offended by any comments on religious beliefs, please do not read.

One of the first memories I have of being misunderstood was in Primary school. I think I must have been 6 or 7, when we were asked in our Religion class to share our favorite Religious Stories. Most kids shared something about our Prophet's (pbuh) life, and when it was my turn, I shared my most favorite story of Joseph. After the class was over, I was escorted out to the teacher's meeting room, where the concerned teacher asked who my favorite Prophet was - It is Prophet Joseph of course. And who is the next favorite? Prophet Moses. The teacher gently shook me and asked if my mother prayed the Namaaz at home? Did we read the Quran? I got scared because I thought I had said something very wrong, and I remember holding back tears and nodding to say yes, my Ammi prays the Namaaz and my grandma reads the Quran. Almost all teachers looked at me strangely after that. I learned that having Joseph and Moses as your favorite Prophets was not to be expressed in public. Even if the stories are from the Quran and even if they are all beloved by God. 

Another day, a male Religion teacher (a Mullah hired from a local masjid) decided to thrash and hit one of my favorite classmates, a shy little boy who stammered. I think he was being hit because he couldn't pronounce a difficult Arabic phrase. I told my crying, stammering friend that the Mullah was going to hell and God was on our (his) side after class. Other kids who heard me gave shocked stares as the Mullah was still inside our classroom. I didn't care. 

Once, our family hosted a 'Milaad' celebration for ladies. I really love Milaad celebrations, ladies gather and sing or recite beautiful verses (Naat) in honor of the Prophet's (pbuh) birth. I was and still am very good at reciting the Naat, and I remember participating with such joy. There was a lady who took the stage and started delivering a sermon. I was sitting close to her and was really impressed by her impassioned speech - I remember being scared as she vividly described money, jewelry and material wealth, excess food etc as snakes that will drag us to hellfire. My mind went to my Ammi's jewelry, my dad's wallet, our car and in my imagination they turned into hissing snakes dragging all three of us in the depths of a raging fire. I shuddered and decided to reason with my parents as an 8 year old about getting rid of the jewelry and excess money as soon as possible. So impressed was my little self by the lady, that I decided to follow her around for the rest of the evening. 

As the event was ending, the lady went to one of my aunts behind the stage, and I followed her like a shadow. She asked for payment, my aunt took out the amount from an envelope, and it was then the lady started haggling for an extra Rs 5000 to be added to her previously decided payment. Not only that, the lady demanded at least half the leftover food to be packed and given to her. My aunt finally agreed so that she could get rid of the woman. I saw her greedily snatching the extra money, and the bags of leftover food and hurrying out the back door. Why was she scaring the rest of us with snakes and hellfire, and then shamelessly asking for more snakes and hellfire to satisfy herself in this world? Was she lying to us? I decided the lady was pretty much lying to us since she didn't follow her own advice. 

In Grade 4, our English teacher told us if a non-Muslim ever says Salaam, we don't have to respond to them. We can nod to acknowledge them, or just wave and say 'walekum' because they don't deserve to be responded to by the full greeting. She also told us - from her immense wisdom - that we should never eat any meals with a Hindu person as they can poison our food, and never sleep near a Jewish person as they can choke us to death in our sleep. This lady was greatly respected in school as she had just returned from USA and spoke with a fake American accent. She was also the one who made all the kids sit on the floor during Friday morning assembly, as she went on and on with her sermons about memorizing Arabic phrases to please God. I hated sitting for an hour on the cold concrete floor, my legs and feet almost numb, listening to this rude, bad-mannered witch with a fake accent and fake eyebrows telling us what was good or bad. I hope to this day that she suffered as much as she deserved in life and may she rot in hell. 

In the same school, we had a girl in our class - let's call her A, who started getting a reputation for being very well-versed in Religious stuff. I don't exactly know how it started, but whenever we had a free period, A was somehow called to the front of the class to give us a lecture about religion, usually the Day of Judgement and various horrific things that will happen to sinners. Sinners were women who didn't cover their hair, liars, cheaters, thieves, murderers and zina-kaars (at that point I didn't know what that was, but it was adultery). All girls would cover our heads with our tiny sashes, bow our heads and wear a serious expression as A went on about how sinner's would roast in hell, have their burnt skin peeled back and then regrown, only to be roasted again for eternity. 

Once, A told us that on Judgement Day, the virtuous ones will be fed the meat of the giant fish on whose back the World is set up. I looked in surprise at our Science teacher, who was sitting by as a substitute for the free period - her head bowed with reverence. Surely, she must object! she was the one teaching us about the Solar System at the time. She said nothing. I wondered where exactly this giant fish was in the Solar System, and how does it survive in space? Also, if they don’t like seafood, would there be another option? Interesting questions for a little girl, but I knew I was expected to stay quiet and pretend to be so impressed.

In Grade 5, during a difficult History test, I saw A was cheating by hiding her textbook on her lap. That was so unfair, and I raised my hand to let the teacher know. A was caught red-handed, and then she cried and lied about the book being some other book, even though the teacher already had the textbook in her hand. Afterwards, nearly all the girls in my class who should have been just as angry as I was, came to me and yelled at me for reporting A for cheating. I was so shocked at the response. I turned to the crying A - and asked her if she was ashamed of what she had done and wasn't she scared of Judgement Day? And God punishing her for being a cheater as well as a liar? Wasn't she scared of hellfire and her skin being roasted? She wiped her tears and told me scornfully that God doesn't punish if you cheat in exams or school. Also, God will never punish her as she wore a headscarf/hijab. But God will punish me, because I was 'scientific' and didn't fast every day in Ramzan, nor did I wear a headscarf. 'Scientific' was a choice insult that I was given in school by my 'righteous' classmates, I wore it as a badge of honor. 

Later on, A at the age of 11 years, decided to wear a full chador (an almost burka) to school, and began peddling her small business of selling chadors to other girls in our class. Each day, these girls would come to school wrapped in a gray shroud, looking down on us regular girls in uniform, and each day after school was over, these girls wrapped themselves back in those gray chadors with a superior air. A got a nose-ring by the time she was 12 and was suspended from school for trying to run away with a guy who was picking her up from school by pretending to be her brother. I left that school around the time and moved to a different one - so glad I did. 

At home, my Dad had decided to beautify our new neighborhood by asking a landscaping company to add some grass near our parking area, and having our driveways redone. He asked our entire neighborhood, all the apartments and houses to help and contribute, but very few did. The area near our parking lot was full of broken tiles and looked almost like a garbage dump. My parents paid for the cleaning and my dad used to water the grass each day. Despite people's indifference, our neighborhood began to look nice. 

Then it was Ramzan, the Holy month, when one evening after Iftar time (breaking our fast), there was a commotion downstairs in the parking area. Someone rang our bell and demanded my Dad come downstairs immediately. Ammi and I rushed to the window to look down and see what was happening.

The local Mullah, a heavy guy with his tummy hanging out, and a terribly-shaped beard was staring up at us with such anger in his eyes. My Dad reached the crowd that was gathered around the Mullah, it was some of our neighbors and they looked really enraged. They yelled at my Dad for a while, and then the Mullah said in a loud voice that my Dad was attempting to 'control' the neighborhood by forcing people to pay for greenery and the driveway cleaning and improvement. Apparently, the lady who owned the house right next to the greenery was complaining that she could no longer dump her garbage on the lot as it was now a manicured lawn. People were complaining about the new driveway and wanted it to be dug up again. My Dad tried to reason with the people, about living in a clean environment and making things better for the neighbors, when the Mullah shoved my Dad roughly away from the crowd. I remember crying as we watched in shock from our window. I was scared that the people and the Mullah would hurt my father. 

My Dad agreed to no longer 'be involved’ in the neighborhood - the green grass was soon pulled out and replaced with broken furniture and people's garbage, and the brand new driveway was also damaged to make it look like a rough, dirt path. My Dad came upstairs that night, defeated and disappointed, and said this country will always be a dirty garbage dump because that’s what the people want. He swore that if any Mullah ever came to our house asking for charity, we will slam the door in their faces and we'd rather give our charity to a Church (even though we are not Christian) and the Edhi Center. To this day, I honor my Dad's wishes. 

When I grew up and went to college in Canada, I needed to have my passport renewed. At the Embassy, while filling out all the necessary forms, I was given a document to sign stating that I believe Ahmadis/Qadiyanis were non-Muslim and I condemned them. I stared at the document for a long time, looking up at the clerk in disbelief. The clerk reminded me if I needed my passport I'd have to sign that statement. Now we're not Ahmadi ourselves, but I felt such anger and humiliation when presented with that document. It was the government forcing us to condemn minorities in our country by withholding a passport renewal application. I signed the document because I needed the passport, but to this day I am ashamed of putting my signature beneath those statements. Shame on me. Shame on the country. 

There are a lot more stories to add - but I think I will end here. My heart hurts and these memories hurt. I am just thankful that I no longer live among those people and no longer call that country my home. 

Back to Writing with Henry

Henry - my laptop - wasn't feeling well for sometime and was asking for some kind of update. Once I completed the download and install of the update, Henry went to sleep and didn't wake up. I had to take him to the Apple Support Store, from where he was diagnosed as being a 'dead unit' and shipped out to Texas to be reincarnated. Henry II was shipped back home a few days ago and I didn't get much time to spend with him, as we had some home renovations going on. He was wrapped up nicely and placed in a drawer and he's out today. 

So many things are happening around the world that make my thoughts race and I want to say so much but I find myself deciding not to share anything on my mind. Should I express my anger and disgust or share a cute cat meme to make people laugh? More often than not, I share the cute cat meme - it makes me feel better, temporarily.

Sharing my views openly also comes with a risk - of people feeling offended, hurt or upset, and (as has happened in the past) some random threats being sent my way. But bottling up so many things inside is also damaging, it disturbs my peace of mind, and also affects my ability to focus on priorities. When I gave up writing blog posts in the past, I felt so suffocated. Leaving the country was supposed to be a liberating experience, but that didn't happen in the way I anticipated. For a long time, I was so involved with other things that writing took a back seat - actually more like took the small insignificant space near the back of a drawer where it was folded up and forgotten. 

I am thinking of writing these things out again. I will share occasionally to Facebook but does it really matter if no-one reads the posts? At least I'll find some way to release these thoughts. Let's see. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

What the pandemic made me buy

The pandemic made people behave in different ways - but for a lucky few people, buying stuff online became highly popular. These lucky people were able to switch to remote work, keep their jobs and paychecks intact, as well as stay home to minimize the risk to their health. I am one of those lucky people and I'm grateful each day for it.

Back to the online shopping trend: I do suspect it had something to do with the number of targeted social media advertisements disguised as helpful articles from harmless sites such as Buzzfeed etc (I'm talking about the 'the 10 hottest things to buy online', the '44 must-have items for the WFH routine' and the likes). Plus people were stuck at home and this became a kind of virtual window-shopping experience. Suddenly, some of the annoying updates/things at home that we had been putting off became more visibly annoying and pressing. 

While I wasn't swayed with many of these targeted social media advertisements (specially for clothing - who needs new clothes and makeup when you're stuck at home), my online shopping for random stuff increased significantly.

Here are a few items that I bought online (from Amazon) that were totally worth it:

1- A white noise machine:

I realized that my upstairs neighbor has an obsession with opening and shutting her nightstand drawers in the middle of the night. Sometimes, she also drops what feels like bowling balls that roll around on the floor at around 5 am. Another neighbor probably works the night shift and must travel on his motorbike(?!) that I can hear often through my bedroom window. These were regular nuisances that became too much for me to bear during the pandemic, so I found a white noise machine on Amazon. This particular one was tiny, but the volume is surprisingly good. It comes with many noises, but I like a fan noise the best. It also has a night-light that I don't use. The white noise machine is a comforting presence, and sometimes I turn it on if I want to nap during the day as well. I don't think I can ever sleep without this machine! 

2- Bluetooth Sleep headphones:

Plastic earbuds always make me uncomfortable, and after a while they start hurting my ears. If I'm trying to watch some youtube or listen to music, I always have to be careful of how my earbuds are placed. This was an awesome purchase, since it links up easily via bluetooth to my phone, and I can keep listening to music while I go about my day without being too concerned. It has easy controls for volume and moving to the next/previous item; I've even fallen asleep with these on and they were so comfortable. The battery lasts forever, I only charged it twice in almost a year, and it is also washable. 

3- A hand-held steamer:

I bought this before the pandemic hit, but I'm still counting it as valid pandemic purchase. I have an iron and an ironing board, but the steamer has made my life so much easier. It is so fast and convenient that I haven't pulled out my ironing board in a long time. All I have to do is hang up my dress/shirt/skirt etc on a clothes hanger, and steam all the wrinkles away. It is also a type of disinfectant, as the steam temperature is above the boiling point of water, and can kill off germs and bacteria. This is a tiny little thing, but the value and convenience it provides is huge. 

4- A fabric shaver:

This is really interesting - it runs on AAA batteries, but I was able to work it on a couple of my sweaters that had started pilling and it removed those in less than 5 minutes. I also tested this on other fabrics, like our couch cushions, works wonderfully. The only thing is, it takes a lot of effort to clean it afterwards, as the lint is collected and gets stuck in the little handle which is difficult to reach. I do think it was a good purchase, because it is gentle on clothes and gives them extra life. 

5- Comfort Rescue Tooth Powder:

My teeth decided to get extremely sensitive just as the pandemic hit with full force, and most dentists were either closed or difficult to go to. It was scary to risk an appointment, but I am terribly scared when something happens to my teeth, so in desperation I searched for anything that would help. I even got a highly recommended sensitive toothpaste, (it was Sensodyne with an extra large dose of fluoride) but I also came across this miracle in a little bottle. It reminds me greatly of Dentonic tooth powder that we used to have in our previous country, and it used to be so much better than these commercial toothpastes. Did I mention this is a miracle? It is a miracle. It heals a lot of dental issues, and is quite obviously not dentist-recommended, because it will put them out of business. 

Next, I went on a research quest on toothpastes and why they are not helping but hurting our teeth, and found a lot of information about the 'industry' and fluoride. In our previous country, we didn't have fluoridated water. I noticed the harmful effects of fluoridated water (at least on my own teeth) since moving here and consuming so much fluoride through toothpastes as well. But this could be a separate topic. My own conclusion is to avoid fluoridated toothpastes and try more natural tooth powders going forward.

6- Large Coffee Mugs:

These are so cute! since everyone got into baking during the pandemic, I tried something less conventional: Mug cakes and meals! There are hundreds of recipes available, and hundreds of Youtube videos for desserts and meals that can be made in a microwaveable mug. I got these two for the color, and also because having a larger mug would mean more brownie batter in them - yum! I also made some Mug cheesecake and mac and cheese in these mugs. Finally, they are great for just making some extra-creamy/foamy cappuccino!

7- A phone Selfie-stick & Tripod:

I'd been putting off buying one of these for so long. At each of my walks around parks and pretty places, I saw people whip them out and start taking photos right away. I also realized that holding the phone at arms-length and trying to focus and pressing the shutter-button at the same time makes me look either dazed and stoned out of my mind, blurred into a different dimension, or most definitely cross-eyed. I was so upset at the cross-eyes, that I requested my eye specialist to check my eyes again just to make sure. When I searched for these online, I found this specific one that not only has a removable shutter release button, but also doubles as a phone tripod. This was such a great feature and came in handy when my older laptop died and I still had video meetings to attend for work - setting up my phone on the tripod was a breeze. One of the best buys I made this year. 

8 - An LED-lit Makeup mirror:

The best way to avoid mascara and eye-liner mistakes: get this mirror. It is has a magnifying side, it has 3 intensities of light so you can see how ugly you look in various modes, and it is USB-charged and each charge lasts 30 days at least. Totally worth it!

9- Hand-cranked Ice shaver & Snow-cone machine:

This is so much fun! I love making my own version of shaved ice & snow cones, so this was absolutely perfect. I was a little skeptical because it was really cheap, and many reviews said that the plastic would break off or the blades stop working, but I've had pretty regular uses out of this thing. It is fun to add a couple ice cubes and then crank the old-fashioned handle and watch it fall in the bowl below as pretty fluffy snow! 

10- A multi-pack of notebooks:

For writing, what else! I aimed to have enough notebooks and pens/pencils lying around that I would have little excuse for not writing. So far I seem to be doing well, but haven't actually written down much of a story or fiction as I wanted to. Still, it is a start!

*There were various other purchases that I decided not to include, either because they were too silly or too shady - and yes, that will be all*

Friday, June 4, 2021

Interesting Channels on Youtube

I took a break from blog writing because these past few weeks have been so busy for me, and also because I was angry about a few things happening around the world. Then I took a much-needed road-trip vacation as I was fed up being stuck at home for so long. But now I'm back, and I should not break my promise of writing a blog post every week. 

The first time I went to the youtube website, it was 2006 - I was a student in Canada and I think someone pasted a Youtube link in a small group on a clunky social media website called Facebook. It is amazing how far social media and video-sharing websites have come in such a short time. I've always had a youtube account since back then, and wanted to list out some interesting channels that I have found and follow on Youtube over here.

Panacea81- Lauren Luke

This is probably the first channel I followed- Lauren focuses on makeup videos - she is amazing because she is also an artist and has a great command on brushes and esthetics. I learned a lot from Lauren, and she remains my favorite makeup artist to date. 

Nicko's Kitchen

This is the second oldest channel I follow, I think. Nick is from Australia and focuses on delicious, easy meals and often copy-recipes from famous restaurants that we can make at home. His french fries and doughnuts are just perfect! 

Manjula's Kitchen

I learned how to make baklava, pistachio kulfi, veggie bruschetta and more vegetarian recipes from Manjula. She is simply the best for easy to follow recipes with such a sweet and humble presentation.


Jenna made me laugh with her 'how to trick people into thinking you are good-looking', and her Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber impressions. It's so sad that Jenna has stopped making new videos.

Ali's Tarot

While I don't believe in predictions and horoscopes, tarot seems interesting and a way to get in touch with your intuition. It's also a lot of fun. I don't know why but Ali has quickly become one of my favorite people. I fell in love with her cat and her dog, and just her general positive vibe.

But First, Coffee - with Kallie Branciforte

Kallie's channel is great for tips and hacks for storage solutions, cleaning and other household chores. 

Dearly Bethany

This channel is great for learning about putting together a good outfit, and also great tips for petite/short people like me. 


Emmy is so cute, seriously cute, and I love her way of testing out recipes. Her voice is comforting, and I'm amazed at her knowledge of the ingredients and techniques that she is using. 

Justine Leconte Official

Justine is another great resource for clothing and outfits, what to buy, what to avoid etc. She is so good with describing fabrics, cuts and colors that look good and we should invest in. She has a bright smile and an adorable French accent.

Mary's Nest

Mary is amazing with traditional food prep, how to build a good pantry, and how to avoid processed foods. Some recipes are so good and easy to follow. And it is always great to see Mary's big warm smile.

Refika's Kitchen

Refika is my favorite Turkish cook - I love her recipes and her good humor. 

The Icing Artist - Laurie Shannon

Laurie is based in Toronto, and does amazing things in baking - I was blown away by her experiment of turning a $20 grocery store cake into a stunning bridal cake with her expertise. It is always fun to watch Laurie.

Minimal Russian Girl - Vika

Vika is another adorable girl I follow - she lives in Russia and manages a minimal lifestyle with her husband and baby. It is a nice glimpse into every day Russia, with Vika taking us on a tour of her apartment, a grocery store, the books she read as a student etc. Incredibly interesting.

Meow Meow

This couple lives in Istanbul and regularly go for walks to meet and feed stray cats. We get to see the cutest kitties and it is so nice to see them being fed and petted. 

Triggered Insaan - Triggered human (Urdu/Hindi language channel)

Nikshay regularly roasts viral hacks, stupid Bollywood films/music/scenes/tv shows, and he is guaranteed to make me laugh with his expressions alone. Sometimes his parents and siblings also make appearances on his videos, which are not as funny as his solo roasts. 

CBA - Arslan Naseer (Urdu language channel)

Arslan roasts tv shows, stupid songs and movie sequences, and the best part is - he is an illustrator and always draws and animates his version of the celebrities he is roasting. Sometimes he makes fun of current affairs, but is always fun to watch.

Junaid Akram - Ask Ganjiswag (Urdu language channel)

So Junaid has two channels, I am never sure which is which. Junaid is funny and started his social media presence by talking about current affairs, viral stupidities and roasting people in general. He has a common sense, to the point approach to many things, which is probably why people started asking him for advice. He opened his Ask Ganjiswag (bald-swag) channel to focus exclusively on his Q&A and Advice Podcast. Sometimes he brings on other people to chat about aliens, ghost stories, interesting business ventures, education etc. It is always interesting and also informative. 

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Memories of Ramzaan and Eid

The month of Ramzaan (Ramadan) should not be all about food, but in a way at least in my memory, it is. 

In the country where I grew up, all regular routines were drastically changed as the holy month started. People woke up earlier, went to bed later, ate at off-times, and everything generally felt different. Many religious people looked forward to Ramzaan: when practicing Muslims fast (no food or drink/water) from Sunrise until Sunset, spending the day being mindful of their behavior, and the nights in prayer. Children like me were actually looking forward to celebrating Eid (the day after the month of Ramzaan ends) and being happy about all the festivities going on.

School and offices usually had reduced hours, and our school buses would either not play any music or would switch to religious hymns instead. The local Masjids (mosques) were abuzz with activity, specially for the nightly prayers (Taraweeh). Bazaars were full of street vendors - from fruit sellers to special stalls for Ramzaan foods, to those selling bangles, jewelry and Eid Cards (this was before the internet). Every bakery or grocery store had a free Ramzaan Timings calendar that they eagerly handed out to all customers. We would hang it up somewhere in our living room - it had daily times for Sehri, Iftar, and all the prayer times as well.

The Ramzaan I remember used to be during winter months when I was little. It would be very cold when my family woke up pre-dawn, with my Mom walking in to the kitchen to prepare the Sehri (or pre-fast meal/breakfast) and dad heading to the dining room to set things up. I would lie curled up in the warm blankets, half-asleep, half-awake, feeling the lights turning on in the dining room, hearing the plates coming out of the cupboard, smelling the delicious Sehri and tea being prepared. 

There were drum-beaters that would walk down the streets outside, beating a steady drum melody to wake the neighborhood up for Sehri. I remember crawling out of bed, wrapping the blanket all around me, and tip-toeing to the dining room where the fun was. 

Sehri items were usually tea, paratha (fried flat-bread) with omelette or kebabs, some yogurt (which helps people feel less thirsty throughout the day), and something sweet. My favorite was the sweet Jalebi soaked in milk - my dad used to break a few big juicy Jalebis into a bowl of warm milk before we went to sleep at night, so they were soft and plump by Sehri time. Every one also had a glass of water right before the Sehri siren would go off. There was a public announcement from our nearest Masjid - 'People, it is almost time for Sehri, please finish eating before the time'. Then it was time for Fajr prayers, and after that only an hour of sleep before getting up to go to school.

Early evening was when the Iftar fun started - people were back in the kitchen for more cooking. Our Iftar was usually some dates, pakora (fried dumpling) with either onions, potatoes or spinach with a sauce, a fruit 'chaat' (a sort of salad with mixed diced fruits in orange juice with salt/pepper and little spice), and one other item out of many available in the bazaars. And Rooh Afzah, because what is Ramzaan without a refreshing iced Rooh Afzah drink (no matter how chilly the winters are)? Kids would get Rooh Afzah in milk. Sometimes we had a yogurt lassi, other times my dad experimented with 'milk and soda' which was a popular trend back then. My favorite Iftari was dipping the pakora into the left over orange juice dressing from the fruit chaat. I never took Rooh Afzah in milk though. 

In the bazaars, bakeries and stores would often open up temporary stalls for selling Iftar items. My dad's favorite bakery on his way home from work had a special stall that made new items daily - some of them experimental which is why he liked them so much. There were mini-pizzas, tiny meat-pies with cheese toppings, deep-fried chicken spring rolls, fresh sweet cream rolls, chocolate eclairs, chicken patties (puff-pastries with chicken filling), tiny samosa (all kinds of fillings including sweet nut fillings) and much more. How I miss the special Iftari food!

It was customary to dedicate one day in Ramzaan to make a lot of Iftari (iftar food) to share with our neighbors. We'd have a giant serving tray loaded with all the delicious food, covered with a pretty cloth all over, and I would be sent to the specific neighbors' house to ring their doorbell and stand awkwardly with the giant serving tray for them. The neighbors were delighted, took the tray inside to transfer the items to their own plates, and returned with the serving tray with a 'say thank you to your Mother, okay?' 

This would be repeated multiple times as I ran from our house with the serving tray to each neighbors' house, frantic to finish my task before Iftar time. Of course, we would often get similar Iftari trays as gestures of goodwill and affection from our neighbors in return. I loved getting the different types of Iftari from our neighbors, it was like getting surprise gifts every week. Some neighbors even sent drinks in large jugs, those were amazing!

As we got closer to Eid day, the bazaars would start having extra sales so that people could get all their Eid shopping done (like Christmas shopping season). There were dresses to be bought and tailored, the right jewelry to match, the right shoes, the bangles, the henna. For men too, the suits and good shoes for Eid Day, and often a new wallet or handkerchief set to go with it. Before the internet and e-Cards, before the cellphones, we had Greeting card stalls. My dad would take me to the bazaar at night, there were so many stalls with colorful items, fairy lights hanging all across the market, people happy and bustling about. 

We would get a few beautiful Eid Greeting cards for family, my dad would buy me matching glass bangles for my Eid Dress, and a cone of henna for my hands. On the eve of Eid (Chand-Raat or Moon-Night), while some people mostly spent it in the bazaars getting last minute items, my parents were usually home preparing for our expected visitors the next day. After all the cleaning was done, dishes prepared, our guest serving trolley all set with the nice cutlery, my mom would sit down to put henna on my hands. It was always very late at night, and I was most excited about it. It was the last thing to do before going to bed. I loved the smell of fresh henna, and the pretty motifs my mom made, and how cold my hand felt afterwards while the henna dried. I went to bed without washing the henna (leaving it on overnight), and upon waking up on Eid morning, I'd rush to wash my hands and show my mom how dark the motifs came out to be.

My Dad was already at the Masjid for Eid Morning prayers, and my Mom would have Sheer-khurma (dates and vermicelli in milk) or Muzaafir (vermicelli with Saffron) with me for breakfast. Then we'd both get dressed for the day. My dad would always bring a large balloon that matched the color of my dress on his way back from the morning prayer. The Eid Day balloon is one of my fondest memory. Then we'd have a photo session so I could show off my dress in photos that my Dad would send to his mom and the rest of our family. I would also get my Eidi (customary Eid gift, usually cash) from my parents. Our first visitors were always our neighbors coming by to say hello and test out my Mom's Eid cooking from the guest trolley. The neighborhood kids would gather in groups comparing Henna or bangles, or Eid outfits, posing for photographs for my dad, and playing around. We got a lot of Eidi from the neighbors. Around evening, we'd go to visit other people: neighbors, relatives, and friends. 

By night on the first day of Eid, I was thoroughly exhausted - having played all day, collecting Eidi and stuffing all the money in my little bank box, eating too much food off the Trolley, and watching cartoons or terrible old movies on tv. I would fall asleep with my henna and bangles still on, wearing a huge smile on my face, content in the knowledge that we had 2 more days of holidays ahead. What times!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Seasons of loss

There are no happy thoughts today, and no energy that can bring up past memories as compensation. I have heard of multiple deaths in the extended family over the past week: some who I knew well, and others who were names and just a memory of how they were related to me. I tried to avoid talking about the pandemic here, because it felt like Covid was everywhere and all we were talking about. But today, I don't see an escape. The pandemic has crept into every aspect of life, like water seeping into the foundations of a building and creating ugly stains on every wall - we cannot ignore it for long.

It is also the month of Ramzan (Ramadan) and somehow that has made the pandemic more difficult, specially for people observing fasts in countries like Pakistan. Ramzan is already difficult due to sky-high prices of necessities, but the added burden of Covid - I don't even want to go there. I don't know how people are surviving it. I do know how people are dying: deprived of medication, medical attention and even oxygen. And I don't know how to help.

We were lucky in the US to be able to get vaccinated and have a government that is actually functioning since January 20th, 2021. Some of us are lucky to be able to work from home, lucky to get groceries delivered, I guess just lucky to be alive. I wonder what people who thought the virus was a hoax think of what's happening in India? Is it still a conspiracy spread by the 'left'? Is it Bill Gates trying to manipulate and microchip people around the world? Are these patients struggling to breathe, gasping for air, are they all paid actors? Is wearing a mask such a terrible idea? Is following precautions that much of a burden on their 'freedoms'?

I hate to ramble, but I have a lot of anger and frustration at those who never took this pandemic seriously. They were, and are, the reason for a lot of the damage that has been done around the world as this virus spreads. Their misguided beliefs in not wanting to wear a mask, not following precautions and not taking a vaccine are more important than someone's right to breathe or survive. How pathetic these idiots and how pathetic their lives...

We lost so many, and the scariest thing is - we don't know the extent of damage done to those who got sick but survived. We don't know how many more we will lose by the time the virus subsides. I just hope we don't hear of another loss at all. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Signs you belong to the Earth Element

Just for fun...

the most earth sign dwelling possible

- You are a little old-fashioned and so what if you are

- You would never do THAT new thing everyone's harping about, I mean come on

- You just can't believe people can be that stupid and you say this around 5 times a day

- A dying plant depresses you more than a sad song

- The rage you feel when you see/hear about someone hurting a wild animal or a pet is indescribable 

- You have an intuitive sense about when something will turn into a disaster and you are wrong 30% of the time although this statistic is still hard to accept

- You believe animals & plants are much better than humans and love Mother Earth with all your heart (you care deeply about the environment and animal rights)

- You hate surprises and last minute changes because it throws off your agenda/routine for the day

- You wonder why logic and common sense is so scarce

- Sure, you will hang out on Friday after work, if you have been asked/warned at least 3 days in advance

- If you don't know many people at a party, you won't go

- You'll feel guilty for not going out and not being social enough but then you're home right now and comfortable so there's that

- You like confirming plans/appointments multiple times to feel better

- People cutting down trees for no reason or pulling grass out from the roots makes you angry and upset

- It takes time for you to accept and adapt to new things, you are cautious and like to wait to see how things play out

- You're* (because grammar and spelling matter)

- You love the mountains, forests and wooded areas - they feel like home

- You will never run after the shiny new things as a matter of principle

- You have anxiety and are a little OCD about some things

- Your brain suddenly remembers that one email you haven't responded to at 2 am and now you can't sleep

- That person wronged you, and now you hold a grudge for life - not really, you're a good, forgiving person and one day karma will show them, but... okay, you will hold that grudge for life

- You'd happily choose to live in a little cabin in the woods rather than a top-floor luxury apartment in a high-rise building

- You like traveling by road or trains - air travel or boats/ships aren't exactly your thing

- You 'feel' the height of a place you are at - the more distant you are from the ground level, the more uncomfortable you feel 

- You are friendly but prefer to stay out of drama and don't like attention

- You prefer things made out of natural materials: wood, cotton, stone etc

- For a choice between something cheap & a quick-fix, and something expensive & durable, you'll always go with the expensive & durable even if it takes longer to get

- You'll give yourself multiple justifications about the expensive thing you got and still feel guilty, but then so what, but then you should have saved that money, but then so what it's my money

- You were probably the kid who worried so much about the school group project and ended up doing most of it and those thankless friends of yours took the credit too, shame

- Emotions catch you off-guard and so you try your best to stay in your serious poker face phase but sometimes you fail and wow the embarrassment

- Working and being of use makes you the happiest version of yourself

- You like natural colors - browns, greens and blues and grays

- You feel guilty about taking time off and being lazy/resting and doing nothing

- You have a to-do list, complete with short-term and long-term items and you enjoy checking things off it

- You'd always rather be home 

- You like knowing about where you came from and your family history - it is important to you and makes you feel connected and a part of something bigger

- You'll probably pass over that sky-diving/bungee-jumping invitation, thanks

- You have a soft spot for old things and may even collect or preserve/rescue them

- You often catch yourself feeling nostalgic for the past

- The future makes you worry but you've got plans and are prepared for anything

- You don't allow yourself to be carried away by fantasy or get too optimistic about things, sometimes creating your own suffering and obstacles in the process

- You are generally defensive about a lot of things and opinions you hold dear, even if you don't express them

- You tend to be more pessimistic about everything while telling people you are just being a realist when you know that's not true

- You are the same person inside as long as you have known yourself

- You are not afraid to sit with the negative sides of your personality and face them honestly and courageously but still won't do anything about it 

- To most people you are boring, but that is perfectly okay with you 

I want to end with the most Earth Sign lines ever written (by an earth sign himself)

All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

JRR Tolkien