Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why eternal limits?

Yesterday, I showed my Aunt my new "blog", and the first thing she asked was... why Eternal limits? it doesn't make sense. Well, good question. Here's the answer:
Eternal limits is actually the title of one of my recent poems. The poem talks about a soul's journey through life, from little moments of ecstasy (like rainfall after a hot day), to the joy of learning (truths revealed in ink), to the journey back to our Master, and maybe... another journey beyond. As I said before, I have a feeling there is no conclusion, hence the union with Divine is not an end in itself, or perhaps it is. But I believe we are bound by eternal limits on all sides, and maybe a soul can journey beyond them. Is there such a thing as a soul? or are there really any eternal limits? is there even a journey? Who knows...

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